No Time Like the Present!
We've lived in this particular house for over a year.
Wouldn't it just be THIS weekend, on the VERY night that our friends from Atlanta & California come for a weekend stay..for the FIRST time since we've lived here..that our plumbing would choose THIS night to back the fuck up?
We had a great dinner. Chris grilled back ribs with Jack Daniels BBQ sauce (if you haven't tried it, you MUST!) Martinis and Bloody Mary's were flowing freely and we all sat outside in the backyard and yacked all night long. The weather was perfect. The tiki torches were burning Citronella oil - keeping the mosquitoes at bay - - we had a great time catching up and having fun.
It got late..we all had pretty long days, so we all headed in and towards our repective bedrooms to get ready for bed. Chris and I were downstairs in our bedroom when Dan (one of our houseguests) got into the shower in the bedroom directly above us. Within minutes - - Chris and I had a little rain shower going on in our bedroom as the plumbing decided not to work. It was a literal rain storm (sans the lightening and thunder) in here!!
Why do these sort of things happen at the most inopportune times? Chris and Dan went to work and got it working enough for everyone who wanted to shower, was able to - - and tomorrow, we're picking up some of that Extra Strength Liquid Plumber, in hopes that it doesn't happen again.
I am praying that tonights little episode wasn't a sneak peek at a septic system problem brewing. We've never had a septic problem here, yet - - but if we were going to, this weekend would be the time - - judging by our luck so far! lol
Tomorrow - Chris, Dan, my father and Scott, my brother - are headed over to Mequon to play 18 holes of golf on a beautiful course on the lake. Tammy and I will be headed out to do some shopping. On Sunday - we're having a BBQ here at the house and are expecting about 22 people to come. This is the first time I've hosted a party that big since we've lived here - - wish me luck!